I'll Sleep in December

NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual event, which takes place each November, where budding authors attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It's wild and crazy and a helluva lot of fun!

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Location: Oklahoma City Metro Area, Oklahoma, United States

It's just me, being me, and everything that being me entails...My life. My way. Any questions?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Some catching up to do...

Preparations are underway so I can participate in NaNoWriMo. I have the basic story line worked out, changed the names of a couple of characters from the original version I posted here a few months ago, and have an outline to work by. November 1st is a week from Monday, and I'm getting anxious to begin.

I asked for, and was given, the job of Oklahoma City Municipal Liaison. I basically monitor the Oklahoma message boards at nanowrimo.org and answer any questions anyone has. There's supposed to be a Municipal Liaison for Tulsa, also, but I haven't heard anything more about whether that person has been named.

Also, Blogger and NaNoWriMo have teamed up so that folks can blog their novels, if they so choose. I thought I would use this blog for that, but I decided that this blog would be for recording my progess (wordcount, etc.), and that this blog would actually be where my story will unfold. So check out Torn-- a NaNoWriMo Novel to read the ongoing story.

I'm doing this book just for fun, and as a break from Carnyville. After the New Year, I'll seriously look into getting it published, whether by traditional publisher, or a self-publishing enterprise.

And that's the update...



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